About Niort commune / town destination: Niort is a commune / town which is located in France country. Niort commune is placed in western of the France country. It is a very well destination to explore local People culture, modern life and social activities. Its nearest major city is Nantes which is not far from La Rochelle coastal city.
Distance from Niort commune / town: Niort commune is very good connected to other France domestic places via air, road and train transport.
Niort commune / town is just 65.6 KM distance from La Rochelle City.
Niort commune / town is just 142.8 KM distance from Nantes City.
Niort commune / town is just 79.7 KM distance from Poitiers City.
Niort commune / town is just 116.3 KM distance from Angouleme City.
Niort commune / town is just 186.2 KM distance from Bordeaux City.
Niort commune / town is just 314.3 KM distance from Bourges City.
Niort commune / town is just 177.4 KM distance from Tours City.
Niort commune / town is just 412.6 KM distance from Paris city.
France Tour: it is a very good idea to spend time in Europe region. France is a famous country of the Europe region which is situated in western of the Europe. Its central capital and most famous city is Paris which is a also the largest populated and economy hub of the country. France is a fully developed country which neighbour countries are Spain country in southern, Italy country in south eastern, Switzerland country in eastern, Germany country in eastern, Belgium country in north eastern and United Kingdom in northern.
France is a cool weather region where also snow fall in winter season. Tourists can come in winter and summer both season which is a nice place to explore its historical monuments, historical buildings, modern buildings and local people modern life. France is all over world famous to its modern culture activities where local people live their life with modern technology. New Zealand tour vacation booking, Japan tour vacation and Switzerland tour vacation booking.
How can come to Niort commune / town: It is placed in western of the France which is very good connected to other France regional places via train, road and air transport. Other countries passengers can come to city via air and water transport which nearest airport and seaport is located in La Rochelle City.
Air Transport: Souche Airport is a local airport where passengers can get local air flights to other local places of the France country.
Aeroport La Rochelle International airport is a nearest international airport where passengers can get domestic and international both types air flights. Aeroport La Rochelle airport is just 66.9 KM distance from Niort town.
Road Transport: Niort town is very well connected to other France regional places modern road transport network.
Train Transport: Niort town has a local train station where passengers can get trains to other local places of the country.
Niort commune / town tourists attractions: Near of the Niort commune / town has some famous places to visit such as Regional Natural Park of the Marais Poitevin - Nature preserve, Chateau du Coudray-Salbart - Castle, Chateau de Mursay - Castle, lles de Cande - Nature preserve, Castle of Olbreuse, Ferme Giraud - Festival hall, Les Oiseaux Du Marais Poitevin Parc Ornithologique et Embarcadere - Animal park, Parc des Expositions de Noron - Convention center, Golf Bluegreen - Golf course, Escape Game - Escape Yourself - Escape room center, solidaire Garden, City Hall, Breche Gardens etc.
Niort commune / town famous Restaurants & accommodations: Niort commune / town also has some accommodations to stay. Its some famous restaurants are Le Comptoir du Siam - Thai restaurant, La Villa - French restaurant, Le QG - Restaurant, Restaurant la Dolce Vita - Italian restaurant, Restaurant du Donjon - French restaurant, Pacha Kebab - Turkish restaurant, Dedolime Le P Tit Rouquin SARL - Restaurant, Crepin Bakery - Bakery and Cake Shop, Boulangerie Patisserie Chez Dim et Helo - Bakery and Cake Shop etc.