About Vitoria-Gasteiz City destination: Vitoria-Gasteiz is a modern city which is located in Spain country, Europe. the city is situated in northern of the Spain which is a good place to explore local Spanish people culture and social activities.
Distance from Vitoria-Gasteiz City: the city is very good connected to other Spain regional places via air, train and road transport.
1.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 64.5 KM distance from Bilbao city.
2.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 100.9 KM distance from Donostia-San Sebastian city.
3.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 94.8 KM distance from Pamplona city.
4.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 161.1 KM distance from Santander port city.
5.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 266.2 KM distance from Zaragoza city.
6.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 124.5 KM distance from Burgos city.
7.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 571.8 KM distance from Barcelona city.
8.Vitoria-Gasteiz city is exact 363.9 KM distance from Madrid capital city.
Spain tour: It is a good idea to spend holiday tour in Spain country which is a famous country of the Europe region. Its some famous cities names are Barcelona commercial port city, Madrid capital city, Valencia city and Seville city. Europe tour trip booking, Japan tour trip and Switzerland tour trip booking.
How can come to Vitoria-Gasteiz City: Vitoria-Gasteiz city is well connected to other Spain regional places and European countries via air, train and road transport. Other countries people can come to city via air and water transport.
Air Transport: Vitoria Airport is a regional airport where people can get air transport services to other Spain domestic places.
Water Transport: Vitoria-Gasteiz is not a port or coastal city where people can not get water transport services to other foreign countries.
Bilbao Ferry terminal is the nearest seaport where people can get water transport services to other overseas countries. Bilbao Ferry terminal is just 64.5 KM distance from Vitoria-Gasteiz city.
Train Transport: Vitoria-Gasteiz city has train transport services to other Spain regional places.
Vitoria-Gasteiz City tourists attractions: Vitoria-Gasteiz modern city has several historical and modern age places to visit which some are Parque Natural de Izki - Izkiko Parke Naturala - CENTRO DE INTERPRETACION - Nature preserve, Aizkorri-Aratz parke naturala - Nature preserve, Parque Natural Aralar - Park, Urkiola parke naturala - National reserve, Gorbeiako parke naturala - Nature preserve, Valderejoko natura parkea - Nature preserve, Obarenes-Sierra de Cantabria - Park, Armentiako basoa - Ecological park, Basilica of San Prudencio de Armentia - Catholic church, El Boulevard merkataritza gunea - Shopping mall, Parque Salburua - Park, Ataria - Museum etc.
Vitoria-Gasteiz City famous Restaurants & accommodations: Vitoria-Gasteiz city has luxury and affordable types hotels to stay to days and nights. The city some famous restaurants to eat delicious foods are Tropicalisima - Restaurant, RESTAURANTE EL PALADAR - Bar & grill, Cafeteria Venetto - Coffee shop, Milenium Pizza - Pizza restaurant, Panaderia El Talo Pasteleria - Bakery and Cake Shop, Restaurante El Cafetal Vitoria - Colombian restaurant, Bar Egon-Toki - Bar & grill, Bit-Bar, TORO Burger Lounge - Hamburger restaurant, Pizza World - Meal delivery, Arcade - Restaurant, el_Txoko Taberna - Mexican restaurant, Taberna Aketegi - Bistro, Restaurante chino Hong Kong - Chinese restaurant, Polleria Zaramaga - Chicken restaurant etc.